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PhD Programmes
Versione italiana
The University of Padua coordinates 40 separate PhD Programmes; every year it welcomes between 500 and 600 new candidates, with approximately 1600 PhD candidates enrolled in a three/four-year degree programme.
In order to apply for a PhD Course applicants must be in possession of a 2nd cycle degree (laurea magistrale or laurea magistrale a ciclo unico. They are also required to pass an entrance examination. An International PhD guide is now available
The mission of the PhD in Astronomy is the training of research personnel for Universities, for research institutions, for ground or space research organizations, and for industries.
BMCS is a three-year interdisciplinary Ph.D. program taught in English in the domain of computer science and psychology around the unifying theme of user-centered technologies.
The program is organized by the Department of Women's and Children's Health.
The FSE Programme aims at training highly qualified researchers in the field of Magnetic Confinement Fusion, with theoretical, numerical and experimental skills in both physics and engineering.
The Doctoral Programme in Geosciences at the University of Padova is engaged in world-class research into processes at work on and within the Earth at different spatial and temporal scales
Covering the entire area of Industrial Engineering with its five Curricula, the Course aims to train a diversified and complete range of high-level scientific and engineering skills.
The PhD brings together the disciplinary competences and research strengths of the areas of Linguistics and Literary Studies at the University of Padova
The SIMN Course aims to give an international and highly multidisciplinary training to young researchers in the most advanced fields of science and engineering of innovative materials
The PhD course offers a multidisciplinary program in space activities for the training of researchers with skills in both the space sciences and engineering fields
The PhD Course in Translational Specialistic Medicine “G.B. Morgagni” aims to train Research Doctors in translational biomedicine with emphasis in specialistic curricula.
The Doctoral Course in Veterinary Science and Food Safety promotes the development of innovative and multidisciplinary research fields in Veterinary Medicine.
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25 PhD Courses
The phd offer reflects the exceptionally broad research scope of the university of padua, which includes arts&humanities, social sciences, engineering, physics, technology, life sciences, medicine, natural sciences., 3 years of doctoral training, individual talents are placed at the center of the action. discipline-specific and soft skills training is combined with secondment options, providing valuable mobility and opportunities for field-activity., 50 phd positions, 50 fellowships are on offer, every one associated to a research topic, that is a framework within which every applicant has to propose an original research project., build your most promising future, training the next-generation talents.
Pursuing Excellence
50 phd students from all over the world.
The community of UNIPhD doctoral students start at the University of Padua an extensive discipline-specific and soft-skills training, accessing world-class facilities and research infrastructures and experiencing a lively research training context.
Every UNIPhD fellow works on their research idea in collaboration with highly qualified scientists as their supervisors.
Discipline-specific and transversal skills training, mobility and non-academic exposure through international secondments are key features of the UNIPhD programme.
Life Sciences
Physical Sciences
Social Sciences and Humanites
Interdisciplinary Programmes
See our latest posts.
UNIPhD Competition towards Global Challenges – Call for applications opening, 15 October 2024
UNIPhD Competition towards Global Challenges – Call opening soon!
UNIPhD Mid-Term Meeting with the Project Officer – 17 September 2024
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101034319 and from the European Union – NextGenerationEU
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Admission to the University’s Research Doctorate Courses is governed by a competition that allocates scholarships on the basis of comparative merit. Comparative assessment is made by the Boards of Examiners (one per Course), appointed according to the University regulations. After the selection process has been completed, each Board of Examiners draws up a merit list. Scholarships are allocated according to the ranking established in the merit list. Applicants must have a 2nd cycle degree or a single cycle degree from an Italian university or an equivalent qualification from other countries of at least four years' duration.
For courses that will start in the next cycle (XL - date of start 1st November 2024), the call for applications is published from April 9 until May 13 2024, on the page ; English version on the page .
The studentship competition is open to applicants holding a 2nd cycle degree or a single degree from an Italian University or an equivalent qualification from other countries of at least four years' duration. Basic quantitative prerequisites are assumed.
The application must be submitted following the online procedure that will be linked in the call. Expired: May 13, 2024 (13:00 CEST).
The grants are awarded on the basis of qualifications and an interview. Qualifications include: undergraduate and/or master degrees transcripts of records, curriculum, scientific publications, GRE and TOEFL (if available) and at most 2 letters of recommendation (which must be submitted following the instructions on the application form). Only candidates successful in the qualifications evaluation will be admitted to the interview.
Having already been awarded the degree is not necessary for the application, but it is necessary to obtain the degree within 30th September 2024. The CV has to be compiled according to the template CV_XL (pdf, doc version available upon request) and uploaded along with the record of exams and marks of first and second cycle degrees.
For the XL cycle, there are 6 available positions, all covered by a scholarship . The award will be for three years, subject to satisfactory progress. The gross annual amount of the scholarship is 16,243.00 euros , in accordance with the amount set by the D.M. MUR n. 247 of 23/02/2022.
Moreover, foreign candidates who have been awarded a minimum three-year scholarship by some international scientific committee (e.g., Marie Curie or Erasmus Mundus scholarship) can be admitted extra quota.
Interested candidates are highly encouraged to contact [email protected] for further information.
Evaluation results
Evaluation of the qualifications
Timetable of interviews and Zoom link
The lists above contain only the names of the candidates admitted to the interviews.
Evaluation of the qualifications of all candidates
Evaluation of the interviews (the list contains only the names of the candidates with a sufficient evaluation of the interview)
To access the above documents enter the password you received in the confirmation email when you submitted the application.
In accordance with the procedure and deadlines stated by art. 7.4 of the announcement, the official rankings will be made public from July 2 2024 through:
- Publication on the University's official register;
- Publication on the University of Padova website:
When the official rankings will be published, the deadlines and the procedure for the enrolment will be made public.
No personal communication will be sent to the candidates.
Final rankings and enrollment procedures
The enrollment procedure is open from 4 July 2024to 25 July 2024
Instructions are published at the pages (English version )
Vacant Places - Primary Phase
Candidates with the right to a vacant place will be notified through publication of the list of replacement candidates at the address (English version ) from 26 August 2024 .
Candidates will be required to enroll by 30 August 2024 , as provided for in the Call for Admission.
Vacant Places - Secondary Phase
From 3 September 2024 , any further available places will be published and interested candidates must submit their applications by 6 September 2024 according to the procedure indicated.
Certification of enrollment for VISA request: in case you need a certification for the request of the VISA, please write to [email protected]
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The PhD Course in Statistics aims at training specialists in the fields of data management and analysis and leads to a wide range of career opportunities, both in academic and research institutions. The doctoral programme aims to train international specialists in the fields of data management and ...
The PhD Course. The doctoral programme in Statistical Sciences at University of Padua was introduced in 1984, and was among the first Ph.D. programmes in Italy. Starting in the academic year 2004/2005, the Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Padua became the administrative home of the Ph.D. in Statistics.
Indietro PhD Programmes Calls and Admissions. Apri menu; Call for admission to the PhD Courses 2024/25 PHD Scholarships funded by PNRR - MD 630/2024 PhD Course in Religion, Culture and Public Life Call for the assignement of further PhD Scholarships to the PhD Courses 2024/25 Doctoral Programme UNIPhD Programmes Calls past editions
PhD Programme. Work in progress. Department of Statistical Sciences. CONTACTS. Via C. Battisti, 241 - 35121 Padova Telephone: +39 0498274168 Fax: +39 0498274170
"PhD Course in Statistics Cycle XL Opening" December 6, 2024. PhD Course in Statistics Cycle XL Opening. December 6, 2024 Department of Statistical Sciences - Via Cesare Battisti 241, Padua Room SC 140. Programme: 16:30 | Welcome Nicola Sartori Coordinator of the PhD Course in Statistics, University of Padova. 16:45 | Invited lecture
At the end of the first year, PhD candidates propose to the Course Collegiate their own research programme to be carried over during the second and third year. They can either join local research groups at Padova or partner departments or start an independent research. The Course Collegiate assigns a supervisor to each PhD student.
Versione italiana. The University of Padua coordinates 40 separate PhD Programmes; every year it welcomes between 500 and 600 new candidates, with approximately 1600 PhD candidates enrolled in a three/four-year degree programme.
Apr 9, 2021 · PhD Course in Statistics at University of Padova: call for admission, a.y. 2021/22 An international doctoral program that aims to provide an advanced training to support both applied and...
Jul 30, 2024 · 50 PhD students from all over the World The community of UNIPhD doctoral students start at the University of Padua an extensive discipline-specific and soft-skills training, accessing world-class facilities and research infrastructures and experiencing a lively research training context.
Admission to the University’s Research Doctorate Courses is governed by a competition that allocates scholarships on the basis of comparative merit.