Mar 1, 2017 · This paper aims to forecast the unemployment rate in the Philippines using a time series model. The formulated model for estimating and forecasting the unem ployment rate in the Philippines is ... ... Nov 14, 2014 · to the Asian crisis in 1 996, the unemployment in the Philippines fell to a l ow rate of 8.8%. However, it grew to m ore than 11% in the early 2000s, m ore than twice the level of th e ... Mar 1, 2017 · This study aims to formulate a mathematical model for forecasting and estimating unemployment rate in the Philippines. Also, factors which can predict the unemployment is to be determined among the considered variables namely Labor Force Rate, Population, Inflation Rate, Gross Domestic Product, and Gross National Income. ... Mar 1, 2023 · Factors including money supply, unemployment, and exchange rate can influence inflation in the Philippines. The study has also covered the inverse association between economic indicators and the unemployment and inflation rates in the Philippines throughout the country's seven presidential mandates from 1985 to 2022. ... Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension, Planning and Development ... unemployment rate in the Philippines from 2015 to 2020 on a quarterly basis. ... This paper aids to provide ... ... the unemployment rate is below the NAIRU, there is tightness in the labor market, which causes wages to go up, leading to a higher inflation. We use data on unemployment rate based on the Labor Force Survey (LFS)1,2 to estimate the NAIRU and unemployment gap for the Philippines for the period 1990Q3 – 2022Q4. Figure 1 shows the historical ... ... Mar 18, 2024 · This study provides an in-depth analysis of the unemployment issue in the Philippines. It explores the various factors contributing to unemployment, including macroeconomic conditions, labor market rigidities, and skill mismatches. The study also examines the impact of unemployment on economic development and social stability. ... High unemployment rate is one of the main challenges facing the Philippine economy. Table 1 presents the country’s unemployment rate during the last seven (7) years. Table 1 : Unemployment rate (i n percent) 2005 7.9 2006 7.8 2007 7.2 2008 7.5 2009 7.4 2010 7.4 2011 7.0 Source: NSO Labor Force Survey ... Mar 1, 2017 · Author affiliations. 1 Director, Intellectual Property Management Office Chief, Center for Statistical Studies, Institute for Data and Statistical Analysis Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension, Planning and Development Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines ... TOTAL LABOR PARTICIPATION RATE IN THE PHILIPPINES Figure 1.1.3 The Labor participation rate; total (% of total population ages 15+) in Philippines was last reported at 64.30 in 2010, according to a World Bank report published in 2012 Page 3 of 33 In the labor market, when there is more unemployment, there is less activity going on with the ... ... ">

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A Jobless Growth: Why is Unemployment Still High in the Philippines?

Profile image of Anne Connolly

This paper investigates the effects of education, inflation, consumption, and GDP growth on unemployment in the Philippines. Using Ordinary Least Squares, the impact of each factors affecting unemployment is determined. To yield robust estimates, possible violations of the assumptions of the classical linear regression model (CLRM) are accounted for. Several theories indicate that an increase in education and consumption is associated with a decrease in unemployment. However, results of this study show otherwise. The findings suggest that the country’s labor force grows faster than its GDP. Furthermore, the government highly invests in education, but focuses less on the availability of jobs for future labor force participants. Because of this, there is an oversupply of potential workers that would not only lead to more unemployment but underemployment as well.

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