Representation Theory
A First Course
- © 2004
- William Fulton 0 ,
- Joe Harris 1
Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
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Department of Mathematics, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
Part of the book series: Graduate Texts in Mathematics (GTM, volume 129)
Part of the book sub series: Readings in Mathematics (READMATH)
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Table of contents (26 chapters)
Front matter, finite groups, representations of finite groups.
- William Fulton, Joe Harris
Examples; Induced Representations; Group Algebras; Real Representations
Representations of \({\mathfrak{s}_{_d}}\) : young diagrams and frobenius’s character formula, representations of \({\mathfrak{u}_d}\) and \(g{l_2}\left( {{\mathbb{f}_q}} \right)\), weyl’s construction, lie groups and lie algebras, lie algebras and lie groups, initial classification of lie algebras, lie algebras in dimensions one, two, and three, representations of sl2ℂ, representations of sl3ℂ, part i, representations ofsl3ℂ, part ii: mainly lots of examples, the classical lie algebras and their representations, the general setup: analyzing the structure and representations of an arbitrary semisimple lie algebra, sl4ℂ and slnℂ, symplectic lie algebras, authors and affiliations.
William Fulton
Bibliographic Information
Book Title : Representation Theory
Book Subtitle : A First Course
Authors : William Fulton, Joe Harris
Series Title : Graduate Texts in Mathematics
Publisher : Springer New York, NY
eBook Packages : Springer Book Archive
Copyright Information : Springer Science+Business Media New York 2004
Hardcover ISBN : 978-0-387-97527-6 Published: 22 October 1991
Softcover ISBN : 978-0-387-97495-8 Published: 22 October 1991
eBook ISBN : 978-1-4612-0979-9 Published: 01 December 2013
Series ISSN : 0072-5285
Series E-ISSN : 2197-5612
Edition Number : 1
Number of Pages : XV, 551
Topics : Topological Groups, Lie Groups
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Representation Theory
Representation theory is fundamental in the study of objects with symmetry.
It arises in contexts as diverse as card shuffling and quantum mechanics. An early success was the work of Schur and Weyl, who computed the representation theory of the symmetric and unitary groups; the answer is closely related to the classical theory of symmetric functions and deeper study leads to intricate questions in combinatorics.
More recently, methods from geometry and topology have greatly enhanced our understanding of these questions (“geometric representation theory”). The study of affine Lie algebras and quantum groups has brought many new ideas and viewpoints, and representation theory now furnishes a basic language for other fields, including the modern theory of automorphic forms.
All of these aspects are studied by Stanford faculty. Topics of recent seminars include combinatorial representation theory as well as quantum groups.
Daniel Bump
Persi Diaconis
Browse Course Material
Course info.
- Prof. Pavel Etingof
- Mathematics
As Taught In
- Algebra and Number Theory
- Linear Algebra
Learning Resource Types
Introduction to representation theory, lecture notes.
Students are assigned readings in these lecture notes each week. The present lecture notes arose from a representation theory course given by Prof. Etingof in March 2004 within the framework of the Clay Mathematics Institute Research Academy for high school students. The students in that course — Oleg Golberg, Sebastian Hensel, Tiankai Liu, Alex Schwendner, Elena Yudovina, and Dmitry Vaintrob — co-authored the lecture notes which are published here with their permission.
The book Introduction to Representation Theory based on these notes was published by the American Mathematical Society in 2016. A complete file of the book (PDF - 1.1MB) is on Prof. Etingof’s webpage. [Please note: This file cannot be posted on any website not belonging to the authors.]
Complete Lecture Notes ( PDF - 1.3MB )
Introduction ( PDF )
Chapter 1: basic notions of representation theory ( pdf ).
1.1 What is representation theory? 1.2 Algebras 1.3 Representations 1.4 Ideals 1.5 Quotients 1.6 Algebras defined by generators and relations 1.7 Examples of algebras 1.8 Quivers 1.9 Lie algebras 1.10 Tensor products 1.11 The tensor algebra 1.12 Hilbert’s third problem 1.13 Tensor products and duals of representations of Lie algebras 1.14 Representations of sl(2) 1.15 Problems on Lie algebras
Chapter 2: General Results of Representation Theory ( PDF )
2.1 Subrepresentations in semisimple representations 2.2 The density theorem 2.3 Representations of direct sums of matrix algebras 2.4 Filtrations 2.5 Finite dimensional algebras 2.6 Characters of representations 2.7 The Jordan-Hölder theorem 2.8 The Krull-Schmidt theorem 2.9 Problems 2.10 Representations of tensor products
Chapter 3: Representations of Finite Groups: Basic Results ( PDF )
3.1 Maschke’s Theorem 3.2 Characters 3.3 Examples 3.4 Duals and tensor products of representations 3.5 Orthogonality of characters 3.6 Unitary representations. Another proof of Maschke’s theorem for complex representations 3.7 Orthogonality of matrix elements 3.8 Character tables, examples 3.9 Computing tensor product multiplicities using character tables 3.10 Problems
Chapter 4: Representations of Finite Groups: Further Results ( PDF )
4.1 Frobenius-Schur indicator 4.2 Frobenius determinant 4.3 Algebraic numbers and algebraic integers 4.4 Frobenius divisibility 4.5 Burnside’s theorem 4.6 Representations of products 4.7 Virtual representations 4.8 Induced representations 4.9 The Mackey formula 4.10 Frobenius reciprocity 4.11 Examples 4.12 Representations of _S_ n 4.13 Proof of theorem 4.36 4.14 Induced representations for _S_ n 4.15 The Frobenius character formula 4.16 Problems 4.17 The hook length formula 4.18 Schur-Weyl duality 4.19 Schur-Weyl duality for GL (V) 4.20 Schur polynomials 4.21 The characters of L λ 4.22 Polynomial representations of GL (V) 4.23 Problems 4.24 Representations of _GL_ 2 (F q )
4.24.1 Conjugacy classes in _GL_ 2 (F q ) 4.24.2 1-dimensional representations 4.24.3 Principal series representations 4.24.4 Complementary series representations
4.25 Artin’s theorem 4.26 Representations of semidirect products
Chapter 5: Quiver Representations ( PDF )
5.1 Problems 5.2 Indecomposable representations of the quivers A1,A2,A3 5.3 Indecomposable representations of the quiver D 4 5.4 Roots 5.5 Gabriel’s theorem 5.6 Reflection functors 5.7 Coxeter elements 5.8 Proof of Gabriel’s theorem 5.9 Problems
Chapter 6: Introduction to Categories ( PDF )
6.1 The definition of a category 6.2 Functors 6.3 Morphisms of functors 6.4 Equivalence of categories 6.5 Representable functors 6.6 Adjoint functors 6.7 Abelian categories 6.8 Exact functors
Chapter 7: Structure of Finite Dimensional Algebras ( PDF )
7.1 Projective modules 7.2 Lifting of idempotents 7.3 Projective covers
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Representation Theory
Symmetries occur throughout mathematics and science. Representation theory seeks to understand all the possible ways that an abstract collection of symmetries can arise. Nineteenth-century representation theory helped to explain the structure of electron orbitals, and 1920s representation theory is at the heart of quantum chromodynamics. In number theory, p -adic representation theory is central the Langlands program, a family of conjectures that have guided a large part of number theory for the past forty years.
One fundamental problem involves describing all the irreducible unitary representations of each Lie group, the continuous symmetries of a finite-dimensional geometry. Doing so corresponds to identifying all finite-dimensional symmetries of a quantum-mechanical system. We've made great progress on this important problem, including work by MIT's strong faculty in this area. The representation theory of infinite-dimensional groups and supergroups is vital to string theory, statistical mechanics, integrable systems, tomography, and many other areas of mathematics and its applications.
Research interests of this group include vertex algebras, quantum groups, infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, representations of real and p -adic groups, Hecke algebras and symmetric spaces.
Department Members in This Field
- Roman Bezrukavnikov Representation Theory, Algebraic Geometry
- Alexei Borodin Integrable Probability
- Pavel Etingof Representation Theory, Quantum Groups, Noncommutative Algebra
- Victor Kac Algebra, Mathematical Physics
- Ju-Lee Kim Representation Theory of p-adic groups
- George Lusztig Group Representations, Algebraic Groups
- David Vogan Group Representations, Lie Theory
- Zhiwei Yun Representation Theory, Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry
- Wei Zhang Number Theory, Automorphic forms, Arithmetic Geometry
Instructors & Postdocs
- Joseph Berleant Representation theory, Geometric algebra
- Elijah Bodish Representation theory, Link homology
- Thomas Rüd Number theory, representation theory of p-adic groups, algebraic geometry
- Robin Zhang Number Theory, Automorphic Forms, Arithmetic Geometry
Researchers & Visitors
- David Roe Computational number theory, Arithmetic geometry, local Langlands correspondence
Graduate Students*
- Anlong Chua Geometric representation theory
- Ilya Dumanski Geometric and combinatorial methods in representation theory
- Marisa Gaetz Group Representations, Lie Theory
- Svetlana Gavrilova
- Mikayel Mkrtchyan
- Ivan Motorin Cluster Algebras, Resolution of Singularities, Representation Theory, Integrable Systems
- Michael Panner
- Andrew Riesen
- Hamilton Wan
- Frank Wang Geometric Representation Theory
*Only a partial list of graduate students