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Analyzing the Impact of Social Media on Language Use and Communication Skills among Teenagers

1. introduction.

Language and communication are playing an increasingly important role within the developed globalizing society. However, the particular role of language in the era of social media has attracted the attention of many scholars. Social media is pervasive in today's society and is used by people for more than sharing ideas and keeping in touch. In social media, people can access the information and news that they require and communicate with others. In fact, the emergence of social media has led to changes in language use, which includes changes in lexicon, spelling, abbreviation, and syntax. This study aims to investigate the impacts of social media on language use and communication skills among teenagers. 20 interviews and survey questionnaires were conducted, and the quantitative and qualitative data were then analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods respectively. The results show that social media both positively and negatively influence language use and communication skills among teenagers. On the one hand, social media enhances tutorials and practice in communication with teenagers; on the other hand, social media has contributed to declining writing skills among teenagers.

1.1. Background of the Study

Pervasive use of information and communication technology (ICT) among teenagers has been well documented. Teenagers are early adopters of internet and mobile technology, and early research found that text messaging was the most preferred form of communication among teenagers. Development of technology has also led to the popular use of social media applications on mobile devices, either for communication among peers or for leisure and social networking. Communication on social media has allowed teenagers to engage in a new form of "written" language, and this has given rise to many concerns related to language use and communication skills among teenagers. Recent research has identified three types of communication that are preferred by teenagers – these are: (1) traditional language rules, (2) computer-mediated communication (CMC), and (3) texting. Teenagers seem to prefer CMC and texting, which provide freedoms from traditional language rules. However, language use patterns and writing styles exhibited by teenagers may not reflect the skills they need in order to navigate between different forms of communication in their everyday life, especially their future job prospects. Online communication is gradually changing the way people write by introducing a large number of written forms into an already diverse textual environment, influencing traditional spoken and written language. Institutional language has been changed by informal written forms through more relaxed norms of interaction and superficial usage of and ignorance of the rules of the written standard language.

1.2. Research Objectives

This study examined the impact of social media on language use and communication skills specifically among teenagers. The rationale of the study is to explore the factors which are influenced by social media. Social media is getting very popular among people, especially teenagers, who are most likely adopting various kinds of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and various others. The survey study was conducted to identify the issues that arise from the use of social media among secondary school ages 16-17. The issue being discussed was in the control of the study, which includes language use and communication skills. The hypothesis of this research is that there are no impacts of social media on language use and communication skills among teenagers. This study is expected to identify the impact of social media on the language skills and communication skills among students in their formative years. It should be made aware that the effectiveness of social media by any user often can have adverse consequences if not properly supervised. In line with this, we need to create steps to ensure that the use of social media among teenagers can be easily handled.

2. Literature Review

In the last four years, an increase in SNS (Social Networking Sites) use has been observed, especially among teenagers. Many studies have shown that the frequency of use by fourteen or fifteen-year-old teenagers demonstrates that 93% of them have a computer, and 84.2% access SNS through it. Although factors that influence daily social support are abundant in the literature, there is a significant gap regarding the role of language and its relation with SNS use as a resource for daily socialization. Nonetheless, it is essential to analyze the language used in SNS because it is widely used by adolescents. This raises new questions about the role of SNS in daily social life and the role of language as a means of communication between peers. Adolescents are one of the most exposed groups to all types of inventiveness. They are immersed in an environment with constant exposure to others through different means and routinely use different electronic devices to communicate with others. Adolescents go through a process of identity formation where social pressure is always present. The cold screen of electronic devices protects them from social pressure. For this reason, adolescents may develop a communication deficit as they do not perceive emotions or faces. This distortion of reality can lead to a social disability. The main objective of this research is to evaluate whether the use of social networks could be conditioning the way of communication and the understanding of language by adolescents.

2.1. The Evolution of Social Media

The phrase "social media" originated with the introduction of AOL Instant Messenger in 1997, which was the first major platform that proved massively popular. Facebook launched in 2004 and Twitter was conceived in 2006. Along with smarter software that better connects social media to tangible business goals, the view of these communication platforms is growing up. The term "social media" refers to human interaction, which is mostly supported by the latest tools of communication. Users utilize these platforms to communicate with one another based on their rich online context - profiles or personas. They write, share, and comment on content related to another user's identity, usually to a degree far greater than can be conveyed when they communicate face-to-face. Access to social media platforms is often instantaneous, necessitating no formal technological knowledge, allowing users to contribute content online and to communicate with people around the world or to find acquaintances quickly. Generally, terms like social media that are today widely used are a part of Web 2.0, which has a characteristic of a more advanced stage both in content and user participation. It is described in two dimensions that distinguish it from earlier practices. First, it is characterized as collaborative and is capable of mass customization - somehow reflecting the widely held vision of Mr. Ellison. Second, it echoes the technically mediated communication and collaboration. Social media platforms are indeed compatible with the Web 2.0 definition, as they involve and facilitate user interaction and sharing information online.

2.2. Previous Studies on Social Media and Language Use

As the popularity and use of social network sites have increased dramatically, more research is starting to emerge on language use and language development in this medium. Current research mainly focuses on the informal written language used in various services such as Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, and Tuenti, mainly conducted from a sociolinguistic approach. Studies relate two areas: the language used on digital communication sites, and the language used in student audience-targeted sites in educational contexts with assistential functions. In this section, we look at studies on the language used in digital communication services and, more specifically, on the language used in social networking services, in their most widespread form, and pose some facts that offer a glimpse of the possible relationship between the use of social media, language acquisition, and favoring communication skills, understood in a broad sense, as we are interested in the skills students should achieve during the educational process, including aspects of both oral and written communication.

3. Methodology

Generally, qualitative approaches including interviews, open-ended questions, and group discussions intend to explore and identify both the social and psychological aspects of subjects' experiences and behaviors. Thus, we adopted questionnaire surveys, as used in previous studies, to employ closed-ended questions to complement quantitative data analysis. We also discussed the pros and cons of using these survey methods and understand more about the effects of social media on youth by exploring both the psychological and social aspects of teenagers' experiences and behaviors, such as why we emphasize how valuable developing communication skills are to teenagers' behaviors and choices on social media and its potential both positive and negative influences on their social and personal life experience. Previous survey concerning age difference, we understand that the age of the respondent can have a potential effect on the number of and types of social media he or she is actively using. It appears that college students first initiated communication tools or SNS when they were quite young, and the number and frequency of utilization of these tools also increase over time. This result reflects all college students and other research outcomes. Furthermore, the subject number of this research project is likely to decrease as present college students age. Moreover, present college students' continuously growing expertise and familiarity with both SNS and other online socializing tools have grabbed the attention of researchers and academics, as well as influenced the current study.

3.1. Research Design

The current study employs a quantitative research design. A survey approach, aided by an open-ended questionnaire, was used to elicit data from respondents. The relatively large number of respondents covered in the study also favors the use of a quantitative research design. The survey allowed for the collection of information regarding a set of variables (such as the respondent's use of social media, language use, communication skills, and other related factors) at one point in time. The study population in this study consisted of teenagers in the secondary schools (Form 1 and Form 2). The target population was Form 1 and Form 2 students in ten secondary schools in Selangor. Ten schools were chosen randomly from a list of public and private secondary schools obtainable from JPN/KPM and the "Parent-Teacher Association" websites in Malaysia. After obtaining permission from the relevant parties, tidy letters were sent to all the chosen secondary schools explaining the objectives of the research and seeking permission to conduct the study in their schools. Upon receiving consent from the respective school authority via formal letters, a set of questionnaires was sent for the data collection period. The sample of the study is the students of Form 1 and Form 2. The questionnaire was distributed to 500 students belonging to 10 classes in 9 schools in Selangor. The 500 students were divided into groups A-D by the school authorities. These groups represent the classes for the Form 1 and Form 2 level. Each Form 1 and Form 2 class accommodates 50-60 students. The questionnaire was subdivided into 2 parts (A and B), as an extensive set of research questions is not advisable to ask in one session. In this study, 2 parts ("part A" and "part B") were used to extract some information from the respondent.

3.2. Data Collection Methods

3.2.1. Data Collection Method The application of mixed methods permits a larger research scope. The types of data collection methods comprise a vital part of mixed methods research as derived from qualitative and quantitative methods. The procedure of collecting the data shapes the existing literature and provides fundamental implications in every study. The data collected through the process derives the future findings and the subsequent results and suggestions provided. Social media allows large volumes and numerous examples for observation, which makes it special. The real-world natural types of data enable the researcher to abide by the validation of the investigated area. Hence, when describing the utterance of Facebook pages, in particular, data deserve the indispensable properties required to infer the expressed opinions from the participants. These properties are regarded as the authenticity criterion for annotation data. 3.2.2. Data Analysis The current study intends to use a two-step mixed methods strategy. Content analysis is chosen as the quantitative method across the spectrum of stakeholders' interests, while the text analysis is utilized to measure the language complexity of the social media language used as the qualitative method. The first step in the process, content analysis of posts is selected because it is practical, effective and flexible. Certainly, content analysis is used to interpret the messages of text and analyze segments of local content, which are used as the number of posts and the implied meanings of the posts. The research, itself, represents a huge dataset. For the content analysis part, a content analysis software, NVivo 12, is used to unveil recurring topics of the posts. Data are taken from the most known applications, Facebook and Instagram, which is known for posting daily updates and used by most age groups, including teenagers. Data are collected by users creating topics and sharing pictures and videos on their private pages. This environment is shared with other members set in advance by the creator.

4. Findings and Analysis

4.1. Research Question 1: Language use and communication skills among teenagers RQ1a: Language used by teenagers when accessing social media. The findings of this study suggest that teenagers create and use linguistic shortcuts to perform various communicative tasks on social media. They use a variety of words, phrases, or symbols, collectively known as "shorthand" or "abbreviations," but formally referred to as Initialisms and Acronyms, to quickly draw out and exchange knowledge with each other. The results indicate that the most common and popular words found in online English conversations include 'lol', 'k', 'u', 'wat', 'nvm', 'ty', and 'ya'. In addition to these, acronyms such as 'omg', 'thx', 'b/c', 'brb', and 'g2g' are widely used. These findings and other studies strongly suggest that online abbreviated words and expressions allow the user to give a wealth of expressions and interpretations with minimum fuss and little effort. Compared to the full form or structure, abbreviated expressions are easy to handle, fast, effective, and consume less memory, as they use the smallest possible characters. Categorizing the words into groups, the most frequent abbreviation type includes phonetic omissions ('u', 'r', 'b', 'c', 'k', and 'y'), letter homophone substitution ('d', 'n', 'c', and 'y'), and initial letter abbreviation ('b', 'g', 'p', and 'z'). ATFORM III, an abbreviation category constructed by, lists and explains a variety of abbreviation types and their examples. Symbol-phonetic character substitutions like '2' for 'to', 'Y' for 'why', and 'r' for 'are' were also observed in social media network user conversations. Schulman et al. and Neff found that most of the online informal spelling rules users obey are subconsciously driven and exist not only for brevity but also for ease of use. While some researchers like Grint et al. found that the most common abbreviation category utilized by social media network participants is phonetic omissions, writers like Tu put forward a counterargument. They argue that phonetic omissions reroute the most standard spelling rules used instead.

4.1. Impact of Social Media on Language Use

English is widely written and spoken, thanks to the influence of social media, especially among teens. They tend to use different forms of language or varieties, which are sawi bik of spelling, unique vocabulary, non-words, and short grammatical phrases. The notable two are abbreviated spelling and unique vocabulary. In fact, most of them are unique slang, which are commonly used during communication on social media. The slang is usually formed by shortening the words (school becomes skul), changing the spelling (people become peepol), removing either a word ending or the middle part of the word and replacing them with an apostrophe (am not become ain't), and adding or changing suffixes to words. The names of real objects which may be locally understood by the dialect community are also used as slang. In addition, teens also use numbers within words instead of letters or create new vocabulary slangs for their own groups. The abbreviated spelling and short grammatical phrases have also changed the language usage, leading to a state of spoken language in written format. These issues caught the attention of Sherry Turkle, a social psychologist and sociologist famous for her work on technology and its influence on communication. Her study had shown that the immediate access of teens to others on social media led them to develop the habit of using new grammar to get a message across quickly and with the least effort. It also abbreviates the full words, thus students find it difficult to read and understand articles and books. Their writings become short, more digitalized, and with less usage of vocabulary and complex language structure.

4.2. Impact of Social Media on Communication Skills

The communication skills of teenagers have been drastically affected by social media. In the beginning, they tend to remain indoors as they fear wasting time while remaining outside. They enjoy communicating with others online rather than in person. They resist face-to-face interactions because they are so engrossed in their gadgets that they do not have enough skills to communicate effectively. Their only means of communication is their mobile devices, which ultimately becomes an obstacle in their ability to express themselves face to face. They will grow to be shy people without the practice and versatility of face-to-face conversations. Mobile devices and the various applications available can lead to dependence, resulting in a person being "forced" to communicate rather than "trying" in person or in public. For example, some may feel forced to use the messaging app to communicate during a meeting, just "talk" via the mobile device to avoid the feeling of loneliness during the trip, and refuse eye contact during the interview using gadgets. Social media is actually not a harmful tool, particularly for children who have a passion for innovation and admiration. It is, without a doubt, a helpful tool. However, excessive usage has negative consequences that will have an impact on their future communication skills. It can also lead to a loss of cultural and regional languages. Additionally, the exposure of offensive, rude, and sexually stimulating ideas may have an impact on the future of the child as well as the society in which they are being raised. As a result, excessive use of social media must be stopped. It must empower rather than doom the person who employs it. It should be seen as a supplement to actual life, rather than a substitute for connecting individually with each other. Social communication should also be part of the curriculum in order to provide children with the ability to communicate effectively with others. With regard to communication skills, the youths of today represent the leaders of tomorrow. The bank must have capable and efficient personnel to take it forward. It is the responsibility of the government and others to monitor and ensure that every segment of society develops their social communication skills.

5. Conclusion

This study aims to advance the understanding of utilizing social media and its subsequent influence on the language and communication skills of teenagers. The current trend discourses indicate that social media platforms have both beneficial and detrimental effects, particularly on teenagers' language and communication skills. The factors examined in this study include social media engagement, social media content, social media self-efficacy, social media uses and gratification, as well as teens and parent online and offline communication about media. Misalignment of both passive engagement and certain social media content, and the use of social media for varied communication purposes were found to impact the language use and communication skills of the teens. Furthermore, parent and teen discussion surrounding media and mediation of social media content are crucial in the formation of language and communication skills among teenagers. For teens, maximizing the advantages of social media as a means of expression and communication requires speech and communication skills and understanding social media genres for a variety of discourse traditions. Social media communication platforms have the potential to foster discourse genres of situational belonging. As teenagers adapt to diverse discursive styles, they develop pragmatic skills and understanding social media conventions. Such pragmatic knowledge and pragmatic awareness constitute a significant component of communicative competence. Sharing personal experiences to gain more affinity with peers is a common liking affinity strategy, and social media platforms enable this within teen communities. While young people's social media networks do not, and often should not, include every person with whom they have a connection, the access networks via social media could provide adolescents with dialogue resources for negotiating social relationships.

5.1. Summary of Findings

Investigating the social media use of teenagers, as well as the nature of their language use, underscores the significance of the current situation of teens' language and social media use. There is a need to understand that a comprehensive knowledge of the language used on social media can aid educators and parents in better instructing teenagers on their verbal and written communication skills. The accurate meaning of a phrase, instead of its trendy usage, should be clearly understood. The impact of social media language created by the post-millennials must also be evaluated. Social media is undoubtedly intertwined with the formal and informal language development of today's teenagers. The impact of social media on the communication skills of teenagers is very critical. Thus, educators and parents must endeavor to address the poor communication skills. Moreover, while the speech of teenagers is ever-evolving, there also exists a myriad of overlapping cultures, languages, and sub-languages that are rich in diversity, which are filtered down and regurgitated into their everyday language and communication on social media. The language transformation seems increasingly clear as teenagers tap into the digital and online communication culture, shaping their cultural background. Additionally, the study on the impact of social media on teenage language development, while building on previous work, is still relatively under-explored. It is the researcher's belief that a thorough analysis of the shortcomings and advantages from the language produced on social media, looked at from a linguistic standpoint, could lead to a path of refining and updating curricula to meet the growing needs of the current generation of teens. Therefore, appendant research concerns may delve into the aspects of the language use, the overuse of informal communication on teenagers resulting in poor language, and social media influence on teenagers.

5.2. Implications for Education and Future Research

The present findings show that social media can both positively and negatively affect teenagers' language use and communication skills. Therefore, it is of great importance to prepare thoughtful strategies for teenagers to maximize the beneficial effects of social media on their language use and communication skills. Since social media does indeed provide a substantial amount of opportunities for teenagers to communicate with others, educators and parents can make the best of the potential advantages of social media. For instance, allowing teenagers to do a great deal of online reading before writing can greatly help teenagers develop their writing skills. In addition, parents should appropriately instruct teenagers as to how they should respect others when they are conversing with others on social media. Such guidance can early help them prevent detrimental effects of social media conversation. Teenagers may rely upon the use of various social media applications in the future; therefore, they should be provided with information about self-regulation using social media to cultivate independence. Teachers can also join social media with teenagers and improve engagement through the use of a modern medium. Finally, administrators can educate our society that social media is not just a space where teenagers do whatever they want to do. It is a space that helps them to venture in language developments through educational visions. Although this study made contributions to the understanding of the linguistic developments brought upon by the use of youth language with the presence of social media, this study is limited by the adoption of a cross-sectional research design and non-probability sampling which limited the representativeness of the sample. A future study with probability sampling or an experimental design should be conducted to help to infer for all the students in secondary schools and their relationship with the WhatsApp language. A future study will also consider surveying both teenagers and their parents and teachers to triangulate given findings. If a future study has sufficient resources, triangulation with other genres may prove interesting. A longitudinal study is appropriate in order to observe the development of textism use among students across three major stages of social media use—surveying students from their first year of study senior secondary level to the end of their final year.

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Social Media And The Language Essay Examples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Communication , Social Media , Media , Sociology , World , Students , Life , Facebook

Words: 1000

Published: 02/06/2020


The social media have both positive and negative impact to communication among individuals or society, in general (Lamy, Mangenot and Zourou; Monaco; Thorne). It has affected almost all aspects of life, especially, of the school learners. While in front of their computers, there are students who interact with other netizens using another language, which is second nature to them. As a result, they learn new words and then their vocabularies are increased. However, there may be many times when they just express themselves in every way they can so long they are somewhat understandable. Still, there are situations when they have to use some words they are not really familiar with. Hence, the problems with the online social networking sites could either spell, directly or indirectly, good or bad influence on students’ learning. According to Monaco, social media have positive impact on communication . In the next few years, there will be more people speaking English in countries that are non-speakers. Today, the social media such as Facebook and other blogs serve as a place where new words are posted. Prior to these social technologies, when television, print, and radio served as the only mass communication, such evolution of words and abbreviations, and the way they are used took a long time. The advent of social technology has made it easier for people to learn new forms of communication and enhance their communication skills. Social media can have a positive impact on communication by expanding vocabularies and enhancing cultural exchange . Further, with social media, young people who are most to be of the same age use it to share information . When they view advertisements written in impressive forms, they know how eye-catching and humorous some are because words are used in new ways, which makes “language to grow” . As more and more people from different geographical locations keep on using the social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), there is always a possibility that the original language and its meaning may evolve for a specific group and/or setting – for good. The change in the way language is used will thus change over time to serve the interests of those who use it for their advantages. Although people have adapted social media incredibly well, there appear issues concerning the quality of language use. According to Leslie Savan, social media such as Facebook affect the way people from different geographic regions communicate to each other . Even though social media provide a platform where people from different locations and language adopt a convenient means of communication, its informal use could encourage the careless use of a word based on context or original usage. For example, advertisers in the social media may use languages that are not grammatically correct just to make them appeal to a specific group of readers . Consequently, people will simply pick words they find interesting in advertisements and use them in their daily life without taking into account relevant matters related to correct spelling, usage, etc. In line with the latter paragraph, Twitter, which is a popular social network, enables its users to send text messages containing a maximum of 140 characters. This restriction, however, produces undue changes on the social dynamics of communication, as it limits the user to pass information in not more than 140 characters as different to normal conversation. The restriction drives the user to abbreviate or misspell words to deliver the message. More than 500 million users around the world are developing the habit of abbreviating and misspelling word in their life. These negative impacts of social media will only increase grammatical mistakes among students because they spend most of their time communicating using abbreviations and misspellings . However, there is no definite solution to this problems because social media are convenient and easy ways of informally informing friends and the public about one’s opinion, feelings, and so on. As gleaned above regarding the positive and negative impacts of social media, nonetheless, the benefits derived from them are much greater than their disadvantages. Because social media are faster and more convenient ways of communicating and interacting among people across the world, there is a much greater likelihood that students learn more from others through productive collaboration and positive engagement. Since geographical boundaries are never an issue in social media, people simply use “languages they may end up applying” in their everyday lives . Even when interaction in “social media are not always formal” where the use of some abbreviation are without sense to some, if not most people, and the sentence constructions are ridden with grammatical errors , the internet remains the largest repository of information, which somehow mitigates the negative effects of social media in terms of language usage. Despite of that, since social media will remain part of our everyday lives, people ought to take responsibility for their actions because the world we live becomes smaller each day. Thus, whether social media have positive or negative impact on peoples’ lives, everyone or anyone should make it a point that they are members of a global community with something worthwhile to share and in store for themselves, others, and generations to come.

Works Cited

Kevelson, Roberta. The Inverted Pyramid: An Introduction to a Semiotics of Media Language. Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2007. Print. Lamy, Marie-Noëlle, François Mangenot and Katerina Zourou. Key issues and recommendations for the development of language resources for language learning by the use of social media. n.d. Web. 13 May 2013. <http://www.elearningeuropa.info/en/debates/language-learning-social-media-and-development-language-resources>. Monaco, James. How to Read a Film: The World of Movies, Media, and Multimedia : Language, History and Theory. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Print. Savan, Leslie. Slam Dunks and No-Brainers: Language in Your Life, the Media, Business, Politics, And, Like, Whatever. New York: Knopf, 2005. Print. Thorne, Steven. "Community', semiotic flows, and mediated contribution to activity." Language Teaching 42.1 (2009): 81–94. Web.


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  1. Language Use On Social Media

    Social media has therefore created a process through which basic language use at the early stages of communication has evolved at a fast pace, based on the different needs and desires of people who want to communicate and share information that is emotional in outlook through social media (Page, Barton, Unger, & Zappavigna, 2014).


    The article discusses the evolution of language on social media, highlighting the emergence of new linguistic strategies, such as abbreviations and hashtags. It also explores the role of social ...

  3. The Impact of Social Media on the Evolution of Language and

    In addition to giving people a platform to communicate their ideas, opinions, and experiences with a large audience, social media has also sparked the birth of brand-new language in the current ...

  4. The Effect of Social Media on the English Language

    A research titled "5 Ways That Social Media Benefits Writing the English language" written by Mallary Jean Tenore in 2013 mentioned some ways that social media benefits writing and language, such as how it increases the awareness of mistakes, when people make grammatical or spelling mistakes people will point them out via these websites ...

  5. (PDF) Digital Dialects: The Impact of Social Media on Language

    The research aims to analyze the contribution of social media in language change, identifying new forms of communication, and evaluating their impact on language learning and literacy development ...

  6. Analyzing the Impact of Social Media on Language Use and ...

    1. Introduction Language and communication are playing an increasingly important role within the developed globalizing society. However, the particular role of language in the era of social media has attracted the attention of many scholars. Social media is pervasive in today's society and is used by people for more than sharing ideas and keeping in touch. In social media, people can access ...

  7. Social Media And The Language Essay Examples

    Read Sample Social Media And The Language Essays and other exceptional papers on every subject and topic college can throw at you. We can custom-write anything as well! We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. I agree.

  8. PDF The Use Of Social Media For Enhancing English Language ...

    as well as incorporating social media assignments and projects into language courses. Keywords: social media, English language learning, writing skills, communication, creativity Introduction: In today's interconnected world, effective English language communication skills are of utmost importance for cross-cultural and global interactions.

  9. PDF The Influence of Social Media on language Learning: A Study ...

    words that would now be considered 'antique' text on social media: OMG, TXT, GR8, M8 and L8R." (Foster, 2020) James Magato wrote on the website 'Smile' in 2017 in an article. The article covers the social media impact on the language abilities of youth. James Magato, 2017 wrote, "While social media sites connect more

  10. To What Extent Does Social Media Improve Language Development?

    At the center of the language used on social media is morphology as new words are being formed and used on social networks and further introduced in everyday used language and with that introduced into mainstream dictionaries (Social Media Language, 2019).Ultimately, language is only useful when it is for purpose.